Monday, March 16, 2009

We're Leavingl...On A Jet Plane...

We DO know when we'll be back again...

Benjie, Dovi, and I are off to New York in the morning for a combination doctor visit/Camp Simcha Counselor Nochum's Wedding trip.

We'll be leaving in the morning and coming back Thursday night (hmmm maybe I should give some thought to Shabbos before we leave!).

While there, we'll see Dr. Axelrod and Dr. Gold (Dysautonomia Docs) and Dr. Feldman (orthopedist).

We'll go to Nochum's wedding in Crown Heights. I've never been to CH. Looking forward to it. Should be interesting. Benjie is actually going to be returning to Chicago on Wednesday morning so my brother is being the Benjie stand in and taking us. Aside from 45 minutes wasted looking for my shirt for the wedding, I think we're ready to go. Of course, I have an Excel spreadsheet detailing the Dovi packing requirements. It's rather extensive.

I'm going to see my new nephew YITZI! Hopefully he will not vomit on me. I've heard he does that often.

We'll dine in the elite King David Deli in Cedarhurst, owned by another Camp Simcha Special Counselor.

We'll see Simcha Willig, Dovi's learning counselor at camp, who is graciously going to drive me from Teaneck to the doctor in Greenwich Village on Thursday morning. That's a large shelp. At 7:30 am.

We will ALSO see Raphi, Dovi's current CSS counselor, who is meeting us for lunch on Thursday (c'mon, do you REALLY need to go to class, Raphi? Come meet us at 11! School is highly overrated) and taking us to the airport afterwards.

I'm not a huge fan of driving in the city :)

Now everyone say a prayer that our plane is...ahem...on time tomorrow. We land 2 hours before Dovi's appointment and it's a 45 minute drive from the airport to the hospital. Without traffic. or baggage claim. Or lunch. Yikes.


Shira said...

Good luck! it stinks you have to go when it's supposed to be gorgeous tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

have a great trip!! i'll be thinking "on time arrival" thoughts for you tomorrow.
and i can't wait to see pictures of dovi dancing at the wedding! (along with a purim picture...pretty please...)

Unknown said...

lookin forward!!

Unknown said...

have a fabu time! eat some delicious kosher food for me. drool.

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Yay for you! have a great time!

Molly said...

oh wow you are totally in my city! It's super nice today! I've lived here for three years and I still won't drive. lol

Hope you are having FUN!

Anonymous said...

Aww, Sara, I can't believe i only saw this post tonite (wed)-- i would've done s/t to get to see you... and of course the famous Dovi...
I was JUST thinking earlier tonite that i need to start making a dr feldman appt for kovy for the summer...