Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Purim Pandemonium....

Purim is in less than a week!

For those of you who don't know what Purim is, follow this link. The English date this year is Monday night/Tuesday.

Purim is FUN for kids and FRANTIC for the parents.

We have to:
  • deliver 8 million food packages to our nearest and dearest. And they must be fancy.
  • dress our kids up in costume
  • hear the megillah (Scroll of Esther) read two times
  • eat a festive meal
  • take the kids to see their teachers/friends and deliver their food packages.
All in one hectic 24 hour period.

Well this year I PROTEST!

My packages, while cute and clever, are certainly NOT fancy. Remember my crazy food stockpile? No, no, I'm not giving my friends diced tomatoes, but they are getting something from the scary slasher basement. You'll get to see the poem I wrote. I think I'll post it on Monday.

My kids' costumes? Luckily, by the time they hit about 6, all boys want to be are sports players. Dovi and Elisha are Cubs players. They both own Cubs jerseys and baseball pants. Elisha is currently trying to convince me that he needs to get a new $75 jersey so he can be a specific Cubs player and not just wear his jersey with no name on the back. Sorry. Jakie? Bears player. Dovi owns a bears jersey and in all reality, what's the difference between baseball pants and football pants? So he'll wear his little league pants. Shana is being a cat. I suspect that might have something to do with the fact that her older cousin was a cat last year. She'll wear black leggings, a black t shirt, black skirt, and ears/tail/mask from a costume store that cost a whopping $9. So life is good.

My kids are giving their friends popcorn and hershey's chocolate. Hopefully many of them will come to us and we can give to them rather than go to them.

Festive meal? Going to friend. But I am making stuff. If only she tells me what to make!

Take kids to teachers? Oh well need to do it. Such is life.

Oh yeah! I need to actually GET stuff for the teachers. Oops. Must get on that.

Now I'm feeling more stressed instead of less stressed. Oy.


Miriam said...

Are you giving out cereal for shalach manos???

Estie said...

Yay NY costume stores! Don't get me started about stress...sleep deprived over here.

Rach said...

So.... you coming running with me in May :) It's a good stress reliever!

Anonymous said...

call me a party pooper, but i opted out of the shalach manot crazy scene a few years was just stressing me out too much. instead, we focus on a killer schpiel for the seudah! now we do two biggies to our neighbors, donation cards and amit bags, and the kids do very small ones to their friends.... i really appreciate all the effort put into the creative and delicious ones i get from other people! btw, for the teachers, if you want something more "fun" than substantial, google "teacher survival kit"; there are a lot of cute things you can put together pretty easily (but they don't involve canned food or boxes of cereal).
debbie said...

I just popped over to the link on Purim. (Thanks for the tutoring")

I just love the story of Esther. It was great to learn about Purim.

I am enjoying reading about your life ")